Dagens text....


we live on a mountain
right at the top
there's a beautiful view
from the top of the mountain
every morning I walk towards the edge
and throw little things off
like: car-parts, bottles and cutlery
or whatever I find lying around

it's become a habit
a way
to start the day

I go through all this
before you wake up
so I can feel happier
to be safe up here with you

it's real early morning
no-one is awake
I'm back at my cliff, still throwing things off
I listen to the sounds they make
on their way down
I follow with my eyes 'til they crash
imagine what my body would sound like
slamming against those rocks

and when it lands
will my eyes be closed or open?

I go through all this
before you wake up
so I can feel happier
to be safe up here with you

Nu var d ju ett tag sen Björk fick ha dagens text...men idag får hon ha en av mina absoluta favoriter....Den e så tragisk.....Snacka om destruktivt förhållande!


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